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Welcome to your active life with metabolic flexibility

Live your life with high energy and vitality

Establish your health and fitness priorities


Commit to new patterns of nutrition and exercise


Work with a professional coach for best practice advice
and support

Official UK distributor

Lumen metabolic

measuring device

Science 101 of metabolic flexibility

Metabolic flexibility is our metabolism’s ability to effectively switch between using carbs or fats as a source of energy. This is vitally important to our long-term health for the following reasons...

Reduce reliance on carbohydrates as a primary source of fuel

Warrior Pose

Carbohydrates are an important source of energy, especially when we are most active.

Often, we over rely on this as our primary fuel source with resulting blood sugar highs/lows that adversely effect our concentration and energy levels, weight management and mental health.


Fat-burning is the most energy-efficient fuel source for our metabolism, especially for all the times we are least physically active.


A by-product of fat-burning metabolism is ketones, which our body and brain can use as an alternate slow-burning, efficient source of fuel. This allows us to consume less carbohydrates while also increasing our energy.

Supports a more active lifestyle for all ages/stages of life

Tennis Players Shaking Hands

Scientific research has shown that a consistent exercise routine supports long-term health and improves quality of life. This matters even more as we get older.


Great results can be achieved from a balance of exercise that develops strength and flexibility alongside improving our cardiovascular health.


Our oldest client at 100 years of age regularly uses a small indoor exercise bike for 15 minute slots – so it is never too late to start!

Improves your diet choices resulting in better health outcomes

Healthy Food

We maintain our heart health and muscle mass by eating the right foods for the different types of exercises we do.


We require specific amounts of protein daily to protect, rebuild and restore our muscles. Quality fats are essential for gentler activities (e.g. walking/jogging), and carbohydrates are essential for long-duration or high-intensity exercise (e.g. a 5km run or a 45 minute gym session).


Balancing these nutrients appropriately alongside optimal hydration, fibre and micronutrient intake, will result in life-changing health and exercise performance benefits.

Lumen is an essential device for monitoring metabolic flexibility


We recommend Lumen to our clients, and anyone else looking to understand their metabolism or achieve metabolic flexibility. Lumen is the world’s first hand-held, portable device to accurately measure metabolism.


By using a special CO2 sensor and flow meter, Lumen is able to determine exactly what fuel your body is using to produce energy by measuring the CO2 concentration in your breath - the higher your CO2, the more carbs you are burning and the lower your CO2 the more fat you are burning.


Founded by Ironman competitors and PHD’s in nutrition Michal and Merav Mor, it’s the first metabolism measurement device of its kind.

How you can achieve metabolic flexibility



Health questionnaire


Assess your current nutrition preferences, and exercise experience.

Nutrition guidebook


We provide the blueprint to achieving your specific health goals.



Coaching videos


Follow the Nutricount4life 4-month guidance and coaching.

Monitor results


Reach your health and performance goals with improved metabolic flexibility.


Our experts support you

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